Working papers

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Road Testing Child Benefit and Social Assistance Reforms: Critically analysing the trilemma between poverty reduction, public expenditure and work incentives 

Road Testing Child Benefit and Social Assistance Reforms: Critically analysing the trilemma between poverty reduction, public expenditure and work incentives 

‘Adult Care & Work’: Blueprint of an EU-SILC ad hoc module

‘Adult Care & Work’: Blueprint of an EU-SILC ad hoc module

Family and Social Resilience: a scoping review of the empirical literature

Family and Social Resilience: a scoping review of the empirical literature

Analysing A Selection of Family Policies from the Perspective of Resilience

Analysing A Selection of Family Policies from the Perspective of Resilience

Presence of supportive social networks, demanding working time schedules and work-life balance

Presence of supportive social networks, demanding working time schedules and work-life balance

Eligibility and benefit adequacy for families in the tax-benefit system, micro-simulations using EUROMOD

Eligibility and benefit adequacy for families in the tax-benefit system, micro-simulations using EUROMOD

Composite analysis: synthesising cross-national differences in policy case studies

Composite analysis: synthesising cross-national differences in policy case studies

Compendium of risks, resources and resilience: Interactive data visualisation

Compendium of risks, resources and resilience: Interactive data visualisation

Exploring Resilience with Families: Overview Report

Exploring Resilience with Families: Overview Report

Case study on policies in response to COVID-19

Case study on policies in response to COVID-19

Adjustments in women’s labour force participation in response to the deterioration of the labour market situation of the male partner

Adjustments in women’s labour force participation in response to the deterioration of the labour market situation of the male partner

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Work-Life Balance Policies

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Work-Life Balance Policies

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Care Policies

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Care Policies

Exploring Resilience with Families in Poland

Exploring Resilience with Families in Poland

Exploring Resilience with Families in Sweden

Exploring Resilience with Families in Sweden

Exploring Resilience with Families in Spain

Exploring Resilience with Families in Spain

Exploring Resilience with Families in Croatia

Exploring Resilience with Families in Croatia

Exploring Resilience with Families in Belgium

Exploring Resilience with Families in Belgium

Exploring Resilience with Families in the United Kingdom

Exploring Resilience with Families in the United Kingdom

Inequalities in family resilience: Research report on the capacity of policies to attenuate the link between risks and poor outcomes

Inequalities in family resilience: Research report on the capacity of policies to attenuate the link between risks and poor outcomes

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Income Support Policies

Inclusiveness and Flexibility of Income Support Policies

Family Profiles: Risks, resources, and inequalities

Family Profiles: Risks, resources, and inequalities

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