This paper builds on the evidence collected in the previous reports on the inclusiveness and flexibility of income support, work/life balance, and care policies by elaborating on how the different policies interact with each other in the relationship between paid...
This paper presents the aims, principles, data, and codebook behind our interactive visualisation of socio-economic risks, resources and resilience among families in Europe, alongside descriptive evidence of social policies. We lay out how we complied the individual...
This report brings together our focus group research with over 300 family members from 6 European countries in one overview analysis. The results indicate major intra- and cross-national similarities in the living situation of participants, with inadequacies in...
This report assesses the response policies pursued during the COVID-19 pandemic in six countries: Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The analysis covers the first year of the pandemic (2020 – 2021), including 2022 when possible. Examining...
In this report, we examined one particular resilience strategy these couples may develop in case of men’s entry to unemployment or involuntary nonstandard employment, namely woman’s increase in her labour supply. We also investigate the role of...