Experts from across Europe meet to kick start project on family resilience


Since rEUsilience has got started, our team has met twice to kick start our plans for three years of research and policy simulation. A core priority of our first consortium meeting in Oxford was to establish our approach for our focus groups that will be conducted over the next few months. It is important for our team to ensure that we can engage a diverse group of family types and experiences (single parents, those with care responsibilities etc) so this had to be carefully discussed and refined.

There are a number of key outputs in the first year of the project so by the time we met in Leuven there were already large steps forwards towards these, for example several research reports. We also took time to think ahead to the start of the policy lab. As with the focus groups, this will need a lot of thinking to make sure we can roadtest policy solutions with a broad range of family members and professionals.

Let’s go! Stay tuned for further project updates as rEUsilience develops.

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