New working paper “Composite analysis: synthesising cross-national differences in policy case studies”


Our latest working paper builds on evidence collected in the previous reports on the inclusiveness and flexibility of minimum income, work/life balance, and care policies with the aim of exploring the complementarity of such policies. We elaborate on how the different policies in interaction with one another intervene in the relationship between paid employment, benefits, provision or services, and demands for family care.

The focus is on the policy design and how this might have an impact on outcomes although the measuring of this impact is outside the remit of this work. Our interest lies in examining the distribution of benefits – who receives what, when, and how (Lasswell, 1936) – with a particular emphasis on diverse family types and circumstances. We assess the policy mixes across the six countries based on their potential to address gaps in protection related to the relationship between employment, social policy and care. In particular, we focus on how this relationship is configured and understood in (1) national minimum income programmes; (2) in the complementarities between parental leaves and early childhood education and care (ECEC); and (3) in the specific protection offered to families affected by severe illness and disability.

This analysis identifies cases where specific family types or circumstances may be better or worse covered depending on the way in which the policy is designed. As a work in progress, it aims to establish relevant hypotheses that can build ground for future research.

The working paper can be read here.

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